Your Financial Future Do you have several investments and/or bank accounts spread amongst various institutions? It is very difficult to know how well equipped you are for your financial future when you do not have all accounts in one centralized location. We will work with you to create a...
Your Investments At Summit View, we truly believe in risk management, appropriate cost levels, and aligning your risk level with your needed return. We help you to incorporate your style of investing into your financial plan. Some things to consider: How would you describe yourself as an investor —...
Your Retirement Strategies Going into retirement can be a scary thing to consider. Life as you’ve known it for the past 40+ years could be caught in the wind and your new normal, most likely, will be having monthly expenses that exceed your monthly Social Security check. If you’re one of the lucky...
Your Social Security Optimization When it comes to choosing when you take your Social Security benefit, there are a myriad of options. Once selected, your decision is irrevocable after 12 months. Here are some questions to consider before starting your Social Security benefit: What is longevity like...
Maximizing Your Estate No two families have the exact same goals when it comes to passing on wealth to loved ones. We will guide you through questions such as: How important is it to you to leave money to loved ones? If it is important, how much should be left and to whom? What is the most tax...
Protecting Yourself with Insurance Insurance is a very broad topic that includes: Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicare Coverage, and Medicare supplementals. All of these topics tend to raise several questions such as: Is life insurance necessary to your goals? Should you continue...
Your Tax Mitigation At Summit View, we have yet to meet someone who enjoys giving money to Uncle Sam. Luckily, we take the time to work with you and your CPA to ensure you are only sending the bare minimums to the Capitol. Some common questions we review with our clients include: Are you eligible to...
INTRODUCTION Like Retirement Planning, which has to commence long before you enter into retirement, Education Planning (for yourself or your children) needs to occur well before mature learners or young scholars are poised to embrace higher education. Luckily, there are a number of government...
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