Bluegrass and Barbeque
Bluegrass and Barbeque
On May 19th we hosted our sixth annual Client Appreciation Celebration and Referral event, Bluegrass and Barbeque.
Thanks to all who joined us at North Park on a beautiful, (mostly) sunny day to enjoy a spicy bowl of chili by Revival Chili, a delicious meal by the folks at the Big Black Grill, and handmade Pig cutouts by the Cookie Artisane as well as live bluegrass music by The Well Strung Band and Midnight Rooster.
Again this year the two bands collaborated at mid-day for a special joint performance of their rendition of ‘musical mayhem’; they had feet tapping all along the lakefront!
Music, Caricatures, Photos, and Food!
We are thrilled that so many of you made time to have your caricatures drawn at Sam Thong’s drawing station and hope you had a few chuckles in the process. Fun memories were snapped this year at the Instamatic Photo Booth! Finally, congratulations to our raffle winners!
One of the memories that Kacey Northrup, our newest advisor, left with was when she wrote the event details on all the instant photos because she saw all of our clients with their friends and families having fun with the popup photo booth and getting creative with the themed props. She said,
“Everyone was having so much fun and we really enjoyed celebrating a great year with the beautiful weather and friendly company in the park!”
Next year’s Bluegrass and Barbeque event will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2019 at the same location. Please save the date! We hope that even more of you will be able to join us next spring. The admission to this special event is free to all of our clients, their families and referred guests.
Thank You For Coming!
Thank you again for attending the sixth annual Bluegrass and Barbeque event at North Park! We enjoyed your company and look forward to spending next year’s event with you and yours. See you there, rain or shine!